Shield my Temple

Shield my Temple


Do you ever wake up feeling under the weather?

Shield my Temple is designed to ward off those nasties, raise your vibrational state and help you seize the day ahead.

Clove is one of the essential oils in this blend. On the ORAC scale of antioxidants, clove is over 10 million. A drop of clove oil is 400 times more powerful as an antioxidant than blue berries. Hence, it not only protects the physical body but also the energetic body by creating energetic boundaries and repelling any unwanted situations we might unknowingly invite in.

This is also a great detox blend and further clears out any dense, toxic energy. As you take a deep breath in, allow the scent to purify your physical and energetic body, clear out dense energy and hence raise your vibrational state of being.

Ultimately, this blend allows you to overcome feeling sickly to eliminating any heavy energy and toxins, allowing you to feel like your high vibrational self again.

My health comes first


Clove, Lemon, Frankincense, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon Pure Essential Oils in Fractionated Coconut Oil.

No chemicals, fragrances, parabens, GMO’s, fillers, dyes, surfactants, phthalates or any added nasties.

Store in a cool dry place.


Caution in pregnancy and allergies to ingredients. In case of allergies or sensitivity to ingredients, test a small patch of skin on the wrist and leave on for 2-3 hours before using as below.

How to use:

Roll on to wrists, back of the neck, along the spine and soles of the feet every 3-4 hours for as many days as you need.

Disclaimer: Here at Tanvi Wardojo, we offer supplementary and Holistic Health and Wellness information which is designed for education in order to help you live a high vibrational lifestyle. This information does not substitute, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Protective Blend

10ml Roller Blend

100% Natural. Handmade in Australia. Vegan.

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Focus Pocus



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Sale Price:A$192.00 Original Price:A$245.00
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